General regulations.
§ 1
The Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatologists is called into being to consolidate the milieu of Polish aesthetic dermatologists, to universally promote and educate in aesthetic dermatology and aesthetic medicine.
§ 2
The Society acquires legal entity at the moment of entry in court registry. The Society is called into being or indefinite period.
§ 3
The area of Society’s operation is the territory of the Republic of Poland.
§ 4
The registered office of the Society is situated in the capital city of Warsaw.
§ 5
The Society may establish badges, awards and present them to physical and legal persons, and may possess an organisation symbol according to legal regulations in force.
Objective and principles of operation.
§ 6
The objectives of the Society are in particular:
- conducting training and didactic activities;
- supporting initiatives of quality improvement for the aesthetic dermatology services, knowledge and professional enhancement of dermatologists;
- providing help in solving problems of the Society members;
- representing the interests of Society members in external contacts;
- conducting publishing activities.
§ 7
The Society realises its objectives by:
- cooperation with the proper authorities and organisations in the scope of Society’s objectives;
- organising trainings, seminars, congresses, conventions, publishing activities;
- experience exchange with other societies in Poland;
- experience exchange and cooperation with foreign societies;
- attending international congresses;
- establishing international contacts;
- conducting economic activity, according to regulations in force;
- providing help to Society members in the scope mentioned in § 6 pt.3 of the Statutes.
Members of the Society
§ 8
Members of the Society are divided into:
a) ordinary,
b) extraordinary (honorary),
c) supporting.
§ 9
Ordinary members may be medicine doctors, dermatologists acting as aesthetic dermatologists, which:
- enrol to partake in the Society by written declaration;
- fulfil conditions specified by the Society Board;
- pay entry fee in the amount determined by the General Assembly;
- will regularly pay the membership fees in the amount annually determined by the Society Board;
- will be accepted as members of the Society by the Board.
§ 10
Extraordinary members may be physical and legal persons being of particular merit to the Society, whose membership will be granted by the resolution of the General Assembly, at the motion of the Board. Regulations of § 6 do not apply to extraordinary members.
Supporting members may be physical and legal persons, who will be granted membership by the resolution of the Society Board.
§ 11
Cancellation of membership may occur:
as a result of written renouncement, effective at the end of calendar year;
because of exclusion by resolution of the General Assembly;
exclusion from the Society is possible in case of:
a) violation of the Statuses of the Society or decisions of its authorities,
b) member undertaking actions that would be harmful to the objectives of the Society,
c) failure to perform financial obligations;
in cases mentioned in points 3b and 3c the Society Board is the organ authorised to adopt a resolution about the exclusion.
§ 12
Rights and obligations of members:
passive and active voting, however each member represented according to § 9 pt. 5 has one vote;
postulating and applying to the Society authorities;
participating in annual General Assembly with casting vote, however with regard to pt. 1;
participating in trainings, seminars, events organised by the Society under financial conditions each time determined by the Board;
exercising the privileges resulting from membership of the Society.
§ 13
Members of the Society are obligated to:
follow the provisions of the Statutes and resolutions of the Society authorities;
actively take part in realising the statutory objectives of the Society;
regularly pay the membership fees.
Society Authorities
§ 14
The Society Authorities are as follows:
– The General Assembly
– The Board
– The Auditing Committee
§ 15
Members of the Society authorities perform their functions socially.
Society Board may appoint office director and determine the rules of his remuneration.
To realise the objectives of the Society, the Board may entrust the tasks resulting from § 6 pt. 3. of the Statutes to physical or legal persons other than Society members.
Up to 31st December 1999 the amount of entry fee and membership fee is determined by the Society Board.
The General Assembly
§ 16
The General Assembly is the highest authority in the Society.
The General Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary.
Ordinary General Assembly annually convenes the Board.
Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened:
a) at motion of the Board,
b) at written motion of at least 50% of Society members.
The date, agenda and place of meeting of the General Assembly is announced to members by the Board 14 days in advance.
The General Assembly may be attended by persons with advisory vote, invited by the Board.
§ 17
To the competence of the General Assembly belong the following:
establishing and approving plans and directions of Society actions, including the amount of entry and membership fees;
appointing and dismissing the Board;
examining annual reports of the Board;
granting approval vote to the Board;
making resolutions on granting extraordinary membership of the Society;
issuing opinion on matters submitted by the Board;
making resolutions on dissolution of the Society.
The Board
§ 18
The Board consists of 3 to 5 persons, elected by the General Assembly for the period of five years.
The Board on its first meeting appoints the president and vice-presidents from among its members. The Board manages current activities of the Society in all matters not restricted to the competence of the General Assembly, in particular:
a) represents the Society externally;
b) realises resolutions of the General Assembly;
c) manages property of the Society;
d) accepts donations, inheritances, bequests, entry and membership fees;
e) makes decisions on accepting membership of the Society, and removal from the list upon renouncement of membership;
f) adopts budget of the Society and determines the amount of membership fees;
g) appoints special committees and working committees;
h) adopts regulations and provisions applied in the Society.
§ 19
Making decisions about finances or property, and incurring liabilities requires the signature of the Board president or two members of the Board.
§ 20
The scope of the Board’s activities, its rules and organisation of work will be determined by regulations adopted by the Board.
§ 21
The Auditing Committee
The Auditing Committee consists of 3-5 members. The Auditing Committee oversees the activities of the Board and annually presents motion for approval vote.
§ 22
Society property
The Society property consists of entry fees, membership fees, donations, inheritances, bequests, income from property and economic activity.
Accounting year is equal to calendar year.
The Society manages property and keeps books according to regulations of Accounting Act and tax acts.
Dissolution and suspension of activities
§ 23
Dissolution or suspension of the Society activities is decided at the General Assembly by majority of votes in the presence of at least 50% of Society members.
§ 24.
In case of dissolution, the General Assembly decides by resolution about the use of Society property.
Amendments to the Statutes
§ 25
Amendments to the Statuses may be made by resolution of the General Assembly, by simple majority of votes, in the presence of 50% of the Society members. If on the second date there will not be 50% of the Society members present, resolutions concerning amendments to the Statuses will be made by the simple majority of votes with the number of members that attend the General Assembly.
Final regulations
§ 26
For issues not regulated by this Statues, the provisions of law are applicable.